Shipping Information

Estimated Delivery Time and Tracking Information for orders in the United States 

United States customer can expect to receive their package in less than 10 days. Some packages may take longer to deliver if they experience hold or clearance issues. 

Tracking numbers will be sent to the customer via email. Please check your spam folder as the email containing your tracking number could be lost in that folder. Depending on the item you purchased, customers can expect to receive the tracking number in 3-4 days from purchase, or less than 1 week from purchase. In the description of the Lightsaber, it will indicate the tracking number time frame for that lightsaber.  If you do not receive your tracking number in this time frame, please email us at The 4 digit number you receive upon purchase is your order number not your tracking number. 

Estimated Delivery Time and Tracking Information for orders outside the United States

Rest of the World customers can expect to receive their package in less than 20 days. Depending on your location, this delivery time could extend to less than 30 days. 

Tracking numbers will be sent to the customer via email. Please check your spam folder as the email containing your tracking number could be lost in that folder. Depending on the item you purchased, customers can expect to receive the tracking number in 3-4 days from purchase, or less than 1 week from purchase. In the description of the Lightsaber, it will indicate the tracking number time frame for that lightsaber.  If you do not receive your tracking number in this time frame, please email us at The 4 digit number you receive upon purchase is your order number not your tracking number. 

Delivery/Shipping issues 

Please monitor your tracking number at least once per day. Depending on your location, some shipping companies will want to reach out to you before making the final delivery. They will contact you either through a phone number or via email. Failure to communicate with the shipping company could result in the package being sent back to us. 

Shipping Fees

Shipping to the United States has a set fee of $20 per package. Due to their size and the materials that go with it, some sabers cannot be shipped together and will each be charged a $20 shipping fee. 

Shipping to the Rest of the World has a set fee of $30 per package. Due to their size and the materials that go with it, some sabers cannot be shipped together and will each be charged a $30 shipping fee. 

Extra tax fees imposed on packages by countries for out of state packages are not covered by us and must be covered by the recipient. Please make sure you are aware if your country places extra shipping taxes on out of state packages. 


Please be aware of the information above before purchasing from our website